Dad Moves: My Super Bowl tradition, and 37 Super Bowl Props
My favorite part about Super Bowl is hosting it.
If it isn't painfully obvious already, I, The Fantasy Football Dad, love football. Odd enough, football isn't my favorite part of Super Bowl Sunday (until The Lions make it next year). It's the halftime show… no, it's not the halftime show. The halftime show is a pee break. I'm a dad in my mid-40s wondering how in the world AC/DC hasn't done the halftime show yet. I bring this up at least twice every year. My favorite part about Super Bowl is hosting it. Two of my buddies, whom I have known since grade school, come over. It's great to see them. My friend Joe along with myself remains a Hulkamaniac to this day. My buddy Anthony, I mean Tony (as he prefers in his adult years), still likes sharing how we drove our parents insane with our idiotic antics as kids. My buddy Phil comes over because Phil is the Robin to The Fantasy Dad's Batman. He may feel otherwise, but it's my article, and I get to be Batman. We usually get other friends who pop in from year to year.
My wife and kids, along with me, get pumped for the game all day. After a few Miller Lites, I announce how "The Lions are going to be here next season. Just watch!" It's hard for a Super Bowl Sunday to go by and not think of my bud Fitzy who now lives in Florida. He used to host years ago and moved to Florida. Shocker, a guy from Boston named Fitzy, right? Eventually, I will go into the other room and drop some classic dad humor from my teenage son and his friends (lucky fellas). I will go out of my way (more than ever this year) to prove that the NFL referees try to control the game's narrative. I will eat more wings and other artery-clogging foods than I can handle. I will try not to think of getting up for work the next day (the absolute worst). God bless my wife for putting up with my friends and me during the Super Bowl and through their entire NFL/ Fantasy season. I will do something I never thought I would do… Root for the Philadelphia Eagles this year. Yes, that is the official Dad pick for the Super Bowl. Enjoy whatever tradition you have in place, and have a safe Super Bowl Sunday! Don’t forget the Dudes Super bowl party props below. To help take your party to the next level.
Below are 37 Super Bowl Party Props to help take your party to the next level.
I'll be back in 2 weeks to cover some early NFL draft information. DAD MOVES and The Fantasy Football Dudes are brought to you by Manscaped. Use code Dudes20 for 20% off. If you enjoy podcasts, check me out on Fantasy Fantom!
Dont miss the Dudes Super Bowl Snacks Draft!
billy idol wig please. this is very important. will give details later.